1 minute read

What is marriage?

Marriage does not solve anything, and problems that existed before marriage will persist after marriage. Marriage is just a contract, mainly for the maximization of benefits. But it has been sanctified by society, and many young people have recklessly rushed in. I do not shy away from the greatest malicious speculation that this sanctification is one of the means of stabilizing society.

Why do people want to be loved?

To love others and thus have a sense of mission. Maybe everyone has thought about what the meaning of life is, but it is difficult for anyone to give a convincing answer as life is as short as an illusion. Most people are ordinary and not able to change the world, then love is a very clever and easily accepted answer. We want to be loved and thus love others, after all, it is said that “everyone is equal before love, and you deserve it”. If we can find a mission for which we can work for a lifetime, to be loved is not a necessity.

Who am I?

Who am I? What is my relationship with the world? These two questions are actually one question, and they are written in two forms just to facilitate thinking. The answer is definitely not a name, because that’s just a code name. Surely not physically, because plastic surgery is possible and everyone believes that in Chinese online novels, the protagonist of the soul traveling to another world and merging into another body is still the protagonist himself/herself. Is memory the answer then? If I meet someone who has the same memories as me, is he/she me? If I have three lifetimes of memories, stacked on top of each other, the third life is the shortest, the second life is the longest, then who am I? Is it determined by the memory of the original life, or by the memory of the latest life, or by the memory of the longest life? I believe everyone has their own answer.

