X86 relocation
What’s relocation Relocations are entries in binaries that are left to be filled later – at link time by the toolchain linker or at runtime by the dynamic li...
What’s relocation Relocations are entries in binaries that are left to be filled later – at link time by the toolchain linker or at runtime by the dynamic li...
Learn by yourself Intel Software Developer’s Manual The most authoritative and official reference manual Volume 2 out of 4 volumes: Instr...
内容概要 什么是attribute C++11到C++17的常用attribute介绍 为名空间和枚举型添加attribute C++17新特性:忽略未知的attribute 使用using指令避免名空间的重复书写 Bjarne Stroustrup对attribute的使用建议
内容概要 什么是LLVM IR?如何得到IR? LLVM编译的流程,IR文件之间的链接简介 C++ name mangling的用途,“extern C”作用的极简介绍 IR文件的布局 IR中函数定义的结构,什么是BB,什么是CFG IR是一个强类型语言,如何用工具检查IR的合法性 ...